HomeAustraliaNAP & NAPLANNAPLAN Test Administration Authorities Contacts

NAPLAN Test Administration Authorities Contacts

NAPLAN Test Administration Authorities Contacts, On this page You can find naplan test administration handbook, naplan test administration training, naplan test administration handbook for teachers 2023, naplan test administrator login, naplan administration login, naplan assessment platform, naplan training environment, naplan coordinator login let’s go together

Each NAPLAN scale is divided into 10 bands used to report student progress through Years 3, 5, 7 and 9. Band 1 is the lowest band and band 10 is the highest band. A band contains a range of scores and is not a specific point. Each year level is reported against 6 of these bands.

Can you fail NAPLAN?

Students can’t fail NAPLAN as it’s not that type of test – they should just try their best. NAPLAN tests are one aspect of each school’s assessment and reporting process, and do not replace the extensive, ongoing assessments made by teachers about each student’s performance.

NAPLAN Test Administration Authorities Contacts

Test administration authorities are responsible for the implementation and administration of the NAPLAN tests in their jurisdiction. Permission for variation of dates for testing, for use of scribes and other accessibility adjustments must be sought from the test administration authority in your state or territory and approval received by schools prior to the national test period.

State and territory test administration authorities

ACT Education Directorate02 6205
NSW Education Standards Authority02 9367
NT Department of Education08 8944
Qld Curriculum and Assessment Authority1300 214
SA Department for Education1800 316
Tas. Department of Education03 6165
Vic. Curriculum and Assessment Authority1800 648
WA School Curriculum and Standards Authority08 9442

Australian Government Department of Education, Skills and Employment

Australian Government Department of Education, Skills and Employment1300 566 046Contact form
The contact details of the sector organisations for Catholic and independent schools and the Australian Government Department of Education and Training are also provided for those schools that wish to consult them regarding educational matters.
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