HomeOnline LearningGrade 10life Orientation Grade 10 Social and Environmental Responsibility

life Orientation Grade 10 Social and Environmental Responsibility

life Orientation Grade 10 Social and Environmental Responsibility, Social and environmental responsibility life orientation grade 10. Social and environmental responsibility life orientation grade 10. It is the responsibility of every person in every community to look after the environment and to use resources responsibly

What are environmental factors in life orientation?

An environmental factor ecological factor or eco factor is any factor abiotic or biotic that influences living organisms. Abiotic factors include ambient temperature amount of sunlight and pH of the water soil in which an organism lives.

Gr 10 LO 22 – Life Orientation grade 10 assignment document – Life Orientation grade 10 assignment document

Summary Social and Environmental Responsibility Grade 10

This is a neat, colourful document which clearly summarizes the topic “Social and Environmental Responsibility” from the grade 10 syllabus. These notes cover the sub-topics; crime and violence, taking responsibility, social issues and their effects, social, constructive and critical thinking skills, and youth and civic organizations. These notes also contain a definitions page. These notes were made based on the Focus Life Orientation Gr10 CAPS textbook.

life Orientation Grade 10 Social and Environmental Responsibility

Social and Environmental Responsibility

Contemporary social issues that impact negatively on local and global communities-

Concepts: Social and Environmental Justice

Social Issues: Crime, Poverty, Food Security, Food Production, Violence, HIV and AIDS, Safety, Unequal Access to Basic Resources, Lack of Basic Services ( water and health services)-

Harmful effects of these issues on personal and community health

Social, Constructive, and Critical Thinking Skills are necessary to participate in Civic Life:-

Social responsibilities include the knowledge and skills to make informed decisions and take appropriate action-

Youth service development: Youth and Civic Organisations, Community Service or Projects and volunteerism-

Their purpose and contribution, areas of strength, and where they can improve-


  1. Form groups of 2 – 10 learners.
  2. Select an organization that provides a community service or project to the community where you live or in the area surrounding the school.
  3. Apply to the organization for permission to join them for 10 hours of community service. You must write a letter/draft an e-mail to the organization requesting permission. This letter/e-mail must be handed in as part of your project.
  4. Find out exactly how you can assist them. Examples include volunteering time, providing a service, cleaning, and gardening, painting, collecting items they need, etc
  5. Organize the group so that all members are aware of the task that must be done and make sure that everyone wears the appropriate clothing.
  6. The reply slip (Form A) must be completed by your parents, giving you permission to participate in this program. A copy of the reply slip (Form A) must be handed to your Life Orientationeducator by Friday 9 June 2017. The original reply slip must be included in your project when completed.
  7. You must arrange your own transport to and from the Organisation.
  8. The Host (person who will be in charge of you) will be required to complete an evaluation form,(Form C) on all aspects of your performance during this time.
  9. You are expected to complete your 10 hours of community service at the same place, if however for any reason you are absent, you must inform your host and the school. You are required to do a maximum of 10 hours over the specified period of time.
  10. The following details of the Organisation and community service/project must be completed on form B.

Name of the Organisation

  • Physical address
  • Name and number of contact person/host
  • E-mail address of Organisation

Website and/or business card of Organisation

  1. The following information must be included in your project :
  • Background information of the Organisation
  • A detailed description of what you did during the allotted time at the Organisation
  • Details about what you enjoyed the most and the least
  • Evaluating the work done by the Organisation in the community
  • Ways in which you can assist the Organisation
  • Reflection questions
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