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Grade 8 Term 3 Maths Test pdf | Maths Grade 8 Term 3
MATHEMATICS Grade 8: Term 3 Week 1 Day 1
Mental Maths – 10 Minutes
Add and subtract fractions – 50 Minutes
8.1.2 Recognises, classifies and represents the following numbers in order to describe and compare them:
8.1.2.b decimals, fractions and percentages;
8.1.2.c numbers written in exponential form including squares and cubes of natural numbers and their square and cube roots;
8.1.2.f multiples and factors;
8.1.6 Estimates and calculates by selecting and using operations appropriate to solving problems that involve:
8.1.6.b multiple operations with rational numbers (including division with fractions and decimals);
Milestone / Lesson Objective: Mental Maths
-Use a rage of strategies to perform and check written and mental calculations with wholenumbers including Adding, subtracting and multiplying in columns
– Revise: Squares to at least 12 ² and their square roots.
– Revise: Cubes to at least 6³ and their cube roots
– Multiply and divide with integers– Perform calculations involving all four operations with integers.
– Revise Addition and subtraction of common fractions, including mixed numbers-Revise: Addition, subtraction, multiplication and of decimal fractions to at least 3 decimal places
Add and subtract fractions
– Revise Addition and subtraction of common fractions, including mixed numbers
– Convert mixed numbers to common fractions in order to perform calculations with them-Use knowledge of multiples and factors to write fractions in the simplest form before orafter calculations– Use knowledge of equivalent fractions to add and subtract common fractions.
-Solve problems in contexts involving common fractions and mixed numbers, including grouping, sharing and finding fractions of whole numbers
-Recognize equivalent forms between: common fractions (fractions where one denominator is a multiple of the other)
Teacher Note:
Keywords (See attached dictionary for definitions.)
– Addition
– Common fraction
– Mixed numbers
– Subtraction
– Fraction in its simplest form
– Multiples and factors
– Equivalent fractions
– A problem in context
– Problem solving
– Sharing
– Whole numbers
– Denominator
– Multiples
Add and subtract fractions
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